Packaging plays a key, but much under-rated role in making our lives and life-styles not only possible but also more sustainable.
A sizable proportion of the population today regard packaging as a single issue subject; namely that of packaging WASTE.

This focus on WASTE, whilst important, has the effect of undervaluing the fundamental role played by packaging in protecting, transporting, selling and using the product. It also underplays the other equally important environmental impacts; namely those of water use, global warming and sustainable sourcing of the materials used to produce the packaging.

SLOOP believes it important to recognise the 2 distinct sustainability roles played by packaging, 1) the role when protecting the product and 2) the role when it is thrown away and needs to be recovered to avoid becoming WASTE.

Of the 2 roles, SLOOP believes that the pack should first be designed to deliver the first role i.e. protecting the product. Once these needs have been met, the secondary design phase should be to optimise recovery for the markets in which the pack will be disposed WITHOUT compromising the first role. To do so would potentially increase product waste which would have a far greater adverse environmental impact on water, global warming and resources than that if the pack was not recovered.
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This section will provide you with an overview of some of the packaging challenges and how these are similar or different in the wider sustainability context.